What college students worry about. Or do you already know?

Life after graduation weighs on the minds of most students: Eight in 10 are at least a little bit worried about getting a job after they complete college

Informed higher ed leaders like yourselves aim to keep your fingers on the pulse of what’s on college students’ minds as the school year gets underway. In case you and your leadership team need some additional insights, a new survey is tracking students’ feelings about cost, careers and campus safety.

College costs, job prospects, mental health and campus safety are the leading concerns of the 19 million undergraduates now returning to campus, according to the latest Forbes Advisor survey. For example, just more than half (51%) of a sample of these students are paying for the fall semester with scholarships, grants or financial aid while another 40% will rely on a job. Around 30% are getting family support or have taken out students loans to finance their higher education.

What are college students’ job prospects?

Life after graduation weighs on the minds of most students: Eight in 10 are at least a little bit worried about getting a job after they complete college. The big reasons for this concern are insufficient work experience, lack of job opportunities in their fields of study, competition with other graduates and uncertainty about the job market due to economic conditions.

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This focus on careers is likely why three-quarters of students are participating or plan to participate in an internship or work-study program this semester. On the other hand, 43% of student say they chose their major due to personal interests and passions while just 17% based this decision on future job prospects.

Do they feel healthy and safe?

While a majority of students expressed satisfaction with campus mental health care, male students were somewhat more likely than their female classmates to express such an opinion. And just about four in 10 are very or somewhat concerned with safety on their campuses.



Matt Zalaznick
Matt Zalaznick
Matt Zalaznick is the managing editor of University Business and a life-long journalist. Prior to writing for University Business, he worked in daily news all over the country, from the NYC suburbs to the Rocky Mountains, Silicon Valley and the U.S. Virgin Islands. He's also in a band.

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