
What are colleges worried about most right now?

"Enrollment" holds the top spot as the most significant risk faced by colleges and universities, according to this annual report from United Educators.

Why supporting faculty mental health is enormous for classrooms

"We oftentimes don't think much about training with adults on social-emotional development, but we're not done growing," says Karen G. Foley, president and CEO of JPA Chicago.

How gender studies is being targeted across higher ed

Critics of a new pilot program in Florida believe state policymakers are using ROI as a guise for political aims to influence curriculum.

Here are the 20 most lavishly lucrative athletic programs

Billion-dollar media deals have propelled SEC and Big Ten universities to the top. Which two ACC schools made the list?

Has faculty free speech plunged to its absolute lowest?

Only 27% of faculty believe academic freedom is secure on their campus today, and more are toning down their writing than during the McCarthy era, according to a report from FIRE.

Shorter academic terms: Here is guidance for better outcomes

Shortened academic terms—such as eight-week courses and winter break sessions—show varying rates of success at a group of colleges and universities examined in a new analysis. 

Whip up student engagement with these 3 useful approaches

Regardless of an institution's size, here's how higher ed leaders can shrink the size of campus by creating community pathways for first-generation students.

Here’s how changes in the edtech world affect higher ed

The strategies edtech founders are deploying today to help them stay relevant hint at how higher education at large is changing.

Higher ed research and development spending is surging

Growth in research and development spending hit a 20-year high in higher ed, according to the latest data. Here the top 10 R&D spenders.

How better accountability can propel innovative short-term credentials

Academic providers must strengthen their data systems to better analyze how effective their short-term programs are, declares a new report from EdTrust.

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