Shortened academic terms—such as eight-week courses and winter break sessions—show varying rates of success at a group of colleges and universities examined in a new analysis.
There are five key conditions that create more supportive environments for students trying to acclimate themselves to life on a U.S. campus, according to rankings posted by a college search firm.
The cost of higher education, like the cost of everything in the current environment, will continue to be a concern. But a quick look over the data confirms there is still great value in higher education.
Universities that stay ahead of emerging trends, foster diverse collaboration and provide outreach to underrepresented groups will make a significant impact on their communities.
As concerns about minority enrollment at elite universities like Harvard and MIT grow following the Supreme Court's ban on affirmative action in college admissions, applying early decision to college can be a vehicle to sustain or potentially even increase minority enrollment.
In education, staying still is equivalent to moving backwards. Our world is changing far too quickly, and the traditional educational models just aren’t always sufficient.
Recent history shows us that a concerted nationwide effort can improve students’ outcomes, such as the gains made in high school graduation rates over the past 20 years.
In this 20-minute UB Ed Talk, leaders from California College of the Arts (CCA) delve into the trends they've observed with summer melt and their practical initiatives that any campus can emulate to mitigate this challenge, including forming a task force that connects academic and administrative leaders in addition to analyzing key indicators along the student enrollment journey.
Despite institutions spending thousands annually per student on support services, students remain greatly underprepared and socially isolated, an edtech CEO asserts.