Tuberville: ‘Left-wing activists’ using higher ed to advance agenda

In a Tuesday floor speech, U.S. Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Auburn) lamented the state of higher education in the United States.

Alabama’s junior senator blasted the incorporation of partisan left-leaning instruction, attendance costs, President Joe Biden’s student loan forgiveness plans, and the administration’s proposed reforms to Title IX.

In his opening remarks, Tuberville touched on the role higher education has traditionally played in advancing American society.

“Beyond the subjects taught in classrooms and in textbooks, there are a lot of lessons to be learned in college,” said Tuberville.

Read more on Yellowhammer News.

Micah Ward
Micah Ward
Micah Ward is a University Business staff writer. He recently earned his master’s degree in Journalism at the University of Alabama. He spent his time during graduate school working on his master’s thesis. He’s also a self-taught guitarist who loves playing folk-style music.

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