College student shot 3 times thanks girlfriend, Euclid police for saving him

A store clerk who was shot three times remains hospitalized while police continue to search for suspects.

Marshon Wilson, who attends Lake Erie College, was shot Sunday, Sept. 12 while working at the Dollar Tree in Euclid.

Wilson spoke to the FOX 8 I-Team Monday from his hospital bed. He said a co-worker was dealing with an alleged shoplifter who went outside of the store. Wilson’s manager asked him to go help, so he did.

“I was fighting one of the guys and I heard gunshots,” Wilson said. “I looked up and I saw everyone running away and that’s when I noticed my hand was bleeding.”

He said he went to the restroom and noticed he was shot in the stomach.

“I started to panic and I collapsed to my knees,” Wilson said. “I remember saying, ‘Please, someone help me.”’

Read more from Fox 8 here

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