
Rick Scott offers bill to hold colleges, universities responsible for rising costs, student debt

Last week, U.S. Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., showcased his “Changing Our Learning, Loans, Endowments, and Graduation Expectations (COLLEGE) Act,” which he brought out at the start of August.

Has navigating college classes during COVID left an education void?

The class of 2023 will be the first graduating class that spent most of their time in college dealing with COVID and the shakeup it caused to the school system. 

Fisk University president departs

Fisk University is once again searching for a new top executive after the abrupt departure of its president Vann Newkirk over the weekend.

Opinion: Let’s finish the historic reform of remedial education and make good on our promise

California’s community colleges are leading the way with a historic reform to end a legacy of gatekeeping that has held back nearly all students, particularly students of color.

What happened? Almost no FL university students responded to a new “intellectual freedom” survey

Florida’s public university students seemed reluctant to fill out a controversial survey on so-called “intellectual freedom and viewpoint diversity” that was prompted by the Legislature, as about 8,800 of some 368,000 students bothered to submit responses.

College-bound Uvalde students grapple with leaving a hometown in mourning

Uvalde students worry how the tragedy will define them in their new environments and struggle with guilt about the people they’re leaving behind.

5†‹ problems with the Student Experience Survey’s attempt to understand what’s going on in higher education post-COVID

Data from the 2021 survey released today no longer adequately capture students’ experience of study.

Christian colleges look for ‘missing men’

As evangelical colleges and universities across the country worry about overall enrollment declines, many schools are especially worried about “missing men.” 

Alabama Department of Education to consider requiring graduates to prove they are ready for college or the workforce

The Alabama Department of Education (ADE) may require seniors to prove they are ready for a job or college before graduating.

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