
4 reasons university and private training partnerships are accelerating

Partnerships add revenue and enrollment numbers to a college's bottom line and expand the career track offerings students need. It's a win-win for both sectors facing changing markets.

5 insights for college leaders who want to improve civil discourse on campus

As sparks begin to fly on the campaign trail, they're bound to drive a new round of heated exchanges on our campuses. The lessons Gen Z learns from it will have lasting effects on our society.

Cross-program building designs represent higher ed’s next step forward

Intentional design and construction that curate these spaces better align with higher education's changing landscape and prepare the next round of doctors and scientists for a wave of innovation. 

Breathing with double lungs: How higher education can thrive in a changing market

Education Expanded, our second lung, broadens how we think about education by adding new capabilities, enabling us to engage the world in new ways and breathe deeply.

Presidential opinion: Why leading in ambiguity is the new norm

Anyone who thinks we will thrive by returning to the old way of doing things is wrong. Today, it is clear that about 70% or more of the university president’s job is leading in ambiguity.

3 ways to demonstrate the value of your institution to prospective students

With a thoughtful and learner-centric approach to education, institutions can continue to support students and faculty no matter who or where they are.

The 5 trends that will predict the course of higher education

More than ever, institutions need to reimagine how they address affordability and outcomes and remodeling the workforce and business model.

How colleges can leverage time to lower costs and improve student success

As college prices rise, there is one issue affecting the cost of college that neither side can argue with and which postsecondary institutions can readily address: Time.

Mental health: The nation needs help. Higher education can fix it.

While the nation commemorates mental health awareness month this May, too many Americans struggle to access critical care. Higher education can make a career in mental health more attainable.

New college presidents: Take some advice from this six-year veteran

While the role of college president has sometimes been referred to as “an impossible job” in the headlines, it certainly doesn’t have to be. Here are a few specific helpful tips gained from my own experience.

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