
How concerned are college instructors about cheating? Not as much as they were in 2020

Many strategies employed by institution leaders and professors have worked, most notably proactive warnings.

One lecturer proves online learning can be a success with a little creativity

UVM's Susan Whitman says instructors 'have to teach differently' in the virtual space, especially when asynchronous.

8 ways to improve clicks on your academic newsletters

Higher ed newsletters give us the chance to raise our voices, share insights and build community. But there are pitfalls: irrelevant content, opportunities missed and accessibility overlooked.

One university’s mission to provide support for first-gen students

From a unique early alert system to other robust supports, Dominican University is serving those who are true 'assets'.

What progress? Women still far behind men in elite university power positions

New report shows the incredible disparities not just in president positions but also among deans and provosts.

Calls for end to COVID-19 vaccine booster mandates growing in higher ed

Petitioners cite many factors in requests to lift requirements, including ‘evolving scientific data’ and natural immunity.

What does the ACHA say in its new COVID-19 health guidance for campus?

The health association addresses vaccine boosters and isolation windows as colleges across U.S. face wave of omicron.

5 keys to creating true equity in college admissions and financial aid

Understanding the link between selectivity and racial inequity in college admissions is one of several key strategies in dismantling long-standing and system barriers to college access.

Morehouse launches new research institute dedicated to Black men

Among the goals will be creating the first Black masculinities studies minor and online certificate program at an HBCU.

Can interim president rescue Michigan’s image after 2 major scandals?

Mary Sue Coleman steps back in to reinforce safe strategies after fallout from $490 million settlement, Schlissel.

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