Getting Started Online: Research-based Practices to Support Quality Teaching and Learning

Many institutions have had to make a sudden transition to online learning. Even under ideal circumstances, making the transition from in-person teaching and learning to an online environment is a big step. There are so many factors to consider, it is easy to feel overwhelmed. How do you start making important decisions about tools, teaching strategies and assessment options?

In this webinar, learn from instructional design experts at D2L as they discuss research-based best practices and effective strategies for moving any college or university to an online learning environment.

Topics will include:

  • Important planning considerations to ensure successful implementation
  • How to establish a quality and engaging online teaching presence
  • Practical ways to approach assessment for online learners

Scheduled speakers:

Dr. Darcy White 

Instructional Designer


Dr. Christopher Sessums

Director of Academic Affairs


Who will benefit:

Higher ed leaders interested in technology or online learning. Anyone may attend.

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