More than half of all executive leaders said they're not harnessing feel inadequate in harnessing the power of generative AI to prepare students for the future, according to a survey from AAC&U.
Fueled by million-dollar grants, the experiential learning opportunity is funneling students across the country into cybersecurity, a industry that's desperate for skilled technicians.
Higher education leaders believe for-credit micro-credentials can help boost their degree offerings' career relevance, retention and competitive advantage, according to a new report from Coursera.
In this strategic webinar, an education technology expert will help senior administrators and facilities leaders better evaluate and prepare for the next wave of campus technology integration. Extract valuable insights from past implementations to inform your decisions as you begin looking at the innovations that will transform campus life and learning in the coming decade.
Since its peak in the second half of 2021 and the first half of 2022, total funding for OPMs has declined 97% up through the first half of 2024, according to Validated Insights.
The Brooklyn-based Marcy Lab School is offering its students a tuition-free alternative to postsecondary education attainment—with commendable student success metrics to boast.