Personnel and HR

Can you spare $500 million? Unions want more for SUNY, CUNY

Despite N.Y. governor's quest to uplift higher education in state, organizations backing faculty aren't satisfied.

How the mental health crisis is crushing college counseling centers

Burnout is prevalent among directors and clinicians, who are feeling the effects of high workloads, COVID and a lack of support.

Should colleges shift to endemic mode? Massachusetts leaders say yes

As more institutions open for in-person learning nationwide, state officials say it's time to relax COVID-19 protocols.

What progress? Women still far behind men in elite university power positions

New report shows the incredible disparities not just in president positions but also among deans and provosts.

What does the ACHA say in its new COVID-19 health guidance for campus?

The health association addresses vaccine boosters and isolation windows as colleges across U.S. face wave of omicron.

Can interim president rescue Michigan’s image after 2 major scandals?

Mary Sue Coleman steps back in to reinforce safe strategies after fallout from $490 million settlement, Schlissel.

Does Supreme Court’s decision on employee vaccine mandates affect colleges?

The executive order on federally contracted workers is still in limbo, leaving institutions with no clearer picture on vaccinations.

CLEARED4: The platform keeping 50 colleges open and giving students access during the pandemic

From contact-tracing to testing and vaccine verification, institutions are getting more timely results through cloud-based system.

Masks back on: But this time, colleges are demanding KN95 and above

In guidance to students and employees, institutions say cloth masks won’t cut it as omicron surges through U.S.

Bevy of presidential changes highlight start to the new year for higher ed

The COVID-19 pandemic and retirements prompt shifts among leadership roles at several colleges and universities.

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