Personnel and HR

These 10 community colleges achieved excellence during pandemic

San Antonio College earns top prize from the Aspen Institute for its 'extraordinary systems' that help fuel student success.

Pew: Adults whose parents got degrees enjoy more success

The Research Center notes the large gaps that exist in completion, income and wealth for first-generation college attendees.

AAC&U selects 78 colleges for institute on racial healing

The four-day event will give higher ed leaders a chance to learn and collaborate to make change happen on their campuses.

Dartmouth will use $20M gift to boost STEM diversity

President Hanlon: 'Dartmouth will pursue programs that help create a racially and ethnically diverse talent pipeline for the next generation of engineers, doctors, computer scientists, and the professors who will teach them.'

At colleges, vaccine mandates slow and lifting masks rises

Most institutions that are relaxing guidelines are strongly encouraging their communities to get preventive COVID-19 doses.

Stanford athletes sue over program cuts, claim Title IX violation

Student-athletes in eight of 11 sports programs at Stanford say they were misled by the university; athletes from five teams claim those deepened gender inequity.

Building trust in vaccines a challenge at community colleges

Hesitancy has been prevalent at one Manhattan institution, where a mandate was just imposed, but leaders are getting creative in getting information to students, faculty.

Northwestern mandates vaccines, 75% of students are on board

The university joins more than 330 institutions that have decided to require vaccination against COVID-19. It already has a strong start.

How knocking down barriers can lift some private colleges

The TIAA and Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors offer four examples of institutions that have found success through retention ... and questions others should be asking.

New study at 8 colleges will look at boosting OER use

Achieving the Dream and SRI Education, which saw sparkling results from long-term research, are seeking 'innovative practices' from institutions on open educational resources.

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