Academic Affairs

Why MBA application predictions look gloomy for U.S. schools in 2022

With an influx of job openings and cost still a factor, convincing prospective students to go to business school is difficult.

Is this is a time of opportunity for community colleges?

Leading voice for two-year institutions says they can make a comeback by being more active, more attuned to students.

6-year college completion rates rise, showing long-term gains for students and colleges

Community colleges outperform other sectors in the Clearinghouse report, but stop-outs are still high.

How program evaluations can help improve your college’s future

Identifying fields that are hot with students and employers is key, along with courses that are too small or redundant.

Should colleges shift to endemic mode? Massachusetts leaders say yes

As more institutions open for in-person learning nationwide, state officials say it's time to relax COVID-19 protocols.

How concerned are college instructors about cheating? Not as much as they were in 2020

Many strategies employed by institution leaders and professors have worked, most notably proactive warnings.

One lecturer proves online learning can be a success with a little creativity

UVM's Susan Whitman says instructors 'have to teach differently' in the virtual space, especially when asynchronous.

8 ways to improve clicks on your academic newsletters

Higher ed newsletters give us the chance to raise our voices, share insights and build community. But there are pitfalls: irrelevant content, opportunities missed and accessibility overlooked.

One university’s mission to provide support for first-gen students

From a unique early alert system to other robust supports, Dominican University is serving those who are true 'assets'.

What progress? Women still far behind men in elite university power positions

New report shows the incredible disparities not just in president positions but also among deans and provosts.

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