Sherrie Negrea

How to connect students in one class, from two lecture halls

Speakers from Rutgers University will lead a UB Tech 2020 session on a project that uses videoconference technology to link two lecture halls on different campuses.

Creating a shared research center

Research space and equipment need not be owned by specific departments or researchers. Here's how Texas Tech University manages its shared spaces.

Sound quality: A must for educational video

UB Tech 2020 speaker Ian Wilkinson on how to create high-quality sound in educational videos—including the single best thing to do to improve the audio quality of their content

Student technology ambassadors get lesson in international collaboration

Learn about the student-run computer repair center at Valencia College in Orlando, the topic of a UB Tech 2020 session. Students fix devices for any member of the college community for free and have worked with peers at a university in Paris on artificial intelligence and other IT projects.

How colleges are upgrading classroom acoustics

College classrooms of yore were often fortresses reinforced with concrete floors and walls. Listening to a lecture in such hard-surfaced rooms was like trying...

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