Security providers on highly visible campus security measures

What role does visible security technology play in deterring campus crime and giving students, prospective students/families, and others peace of mind?

“A popular argument against the installation of blue light phones is that no one uses them. That, however, doesn’t align with comments from students and parents, who frequently cite the visibility and presence of blue light phones as providing the peace of mind of a safe environment, in addition to a swift connection to request assistance. Knowing that help is available at the touch of a button clearly communicates that safety is a top priority.”

Michael Zuidema, marketing operations manager, Code Blue

Link to main story: Secure surroundings on college campuses

“In my experience, it is not only the presence of visible security technologies that can deter crime and reassure students and families. Continuous updates to security technologies, both seen and unseen, play a very important role. When colleges guarantee that security is an ongoing priority, it helps to discourage crime and ensure a greater sense of safety and comfort on campus.”

—Houston Thomas III, senior development strategist, public safety, CDW-G

“Visible security technology is a potential deterrent to individuals who commit a crime and don’t wish to be caught, but these individuals typically conceal themselves (via masks, etc.) to commit the crime anyway, rendering blue button emergency call systems inefficient. Real-time notification of a potential victim’s location and a GPS-enabled response is the most effective modern answer. We should turn our focus to preventative tools that halt incidents from occurring in the first place.”

—Bobby Robertson, CEO, Omnigo Software

“Improving student safety requires a holistic view across a spectrum of options. Having said that, most colleges and universities do not have an unlimited budget and must carefully evaluate the impact of every dollar spent. Across nearly 2,000 higher education clients served by Rave, we see technology investments that leverage the ubiquitous mobile phone often have the highest ROI—from strengthening engagement between students and faculty to detecting threats earlier to improving communication as an emergency unfolds.” 

—Todd Piett, CEO, Rave Mobile Safety

Jodi Helmer is a North Carolina-based writer who frequently contributes to UB.


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