Providers on common event planning missteps

Event-related providers were asked: “What type of campus event could college administrators do a better job planning?”

“Open houses and campus tours are great opportunities to engage prospective students and parents, but many colleges and universities are not getting the full return. Offering students more immediate ways to learn about or sign up for events from their mobile devices is key to converting visitors into prospects. Promoting events online with registration in the same place will also lead to better results.”

—Erica Berman, senior engagement manager, SchoolDude by Dude Solutions

Link to main story: Colleges use event management systems for any event

“In the world of higher education event planning, no task is more daunting than planning a campuswide interdepartmental function. Multiple administrative hands in the mix often leads to conflicting interests, goals and power struggles. Without proper strategic planning and task assignment, these types of events can create quite a few pitfalls for all parties involved.”

—Chris Triplett, implementation consultant, Ad Astra Information Systems

“The type of campus event most prone to mistakes or oversight are campuswide events that require multiple departments operating in synchronization. Whether it’s family weekend, orientation or commencement, coordinating the use of spaces all over campus simultaneously is challenging as administrators welcome families and guests, physical plant manages space arrangements, and technology services makes sure the audio and visual presentations are impeccable.”

—Jason Shank, vice president of professional services, EMS Software

“The biggest mistake we see is a continued reliance on paper programs for critical student engagement times like orientation. Students are arriving on campus with their smartphones glued to the palms of their hands, and they expect—and prefer—to have information delivered to them via mobile apps.”

—Jeff Lewis, co-founder and CEO, Guidebook

Esther Shein is a technology-focused writer based in Framingham, Massachusetts.


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