ChatGPT Edu makes its higher ed debut. Here’s what’s included

This latest iteration of the generative AI chatbot unlocks enhanced capabilities for schools, including the option to build custom GPTs and improved functionalities such as data analytics and document summarization.

Higher education has gotten creative with artificial intelligence tools, including ChatGPT Edu. From personalized tutoring to grant writing, faculty have seemed to unlock its potential—and it’s proved successful.

Last week, ChatGPT’s OpenAI announced its latest iteration of the generative AI chatbot, ChatGPT Edu, in direct response to the innovative ways schools such as the University of Oxford, Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and others have been leveraging the technology.

For instance, Wharton Professor Ethan Mollicks has his undergraduate and MBA students complete their final reflection assignments through discussions with a GPT that’s been trained on course materials. Students have reported it helps them think more deeply about what they’ve learned, according to OpenAI’s announcement.

This latest advancement aims to help colleges and universities expand their understanding of AI and its functionalities and invite the technology into their communities.

“Integrating OpenAI’s technology into our educational and operational frameworks accelerates transformation at ASU,” Kyle Bowen, deputy CIO at Arizona State University, said in a statement. “We’re collaborating across our community to harness these tools, extending our learnings as a scalable model for other institutions.”

What’s new with ChatGPT Edu

This version is powered by GPT-4o, another advancement that was announced in May that’s able to collect and respond to audio, vision and text in real time—as shown in this video demonstration:

It also includes “enterprise-level security and controls and is affordable for educational institutions,” according to OpenAI. Here’s all that’s included in ChatGPT Edu:

  • Access to GPT-4o, excelling in text interpretation, coding and math.
  • Enhanced functionalities, including data analytics, document summarization and web browsing.
  • The option to build GPTs and share them within your university’s workspaces.
  • An increased message limit compared to the free version of ChatGPT.
  • Improved language capabilities with more than 50 languages supported.
  • Robust security, data privacy and administrative controls, including group permissions and GPT management.
  • Conversations are not used to train OpenAI models.
Micah Ward
Micah Ward
Micah Ward is a University Business staff writer. He recently earned his master’s degree in Journalism at the University of Alabama. He spent his time during graduate school working on his master’s thesis. He’s also a self-taught guitarist who loves playing folk-style music.

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