Enrollment Management

Graduate and online enrollment: How to succeed on a tight budget

Graduate and online enrollment teams face constrained budgets even as their work becomes a higher priority for institutions nationwide, according to an EAB survey.

How to beat the enrollment cliff: Act like Yamaha

An enrollment cliff or enrollment shift? See how this private liberal arts university bucked a defunct recruitment strategy to make way for 'modern learners.'

Your marketing team knows AI is the new jackpot. What hinders its growth?

Many higher education marketing and enrollment teams are on board with integrating AI into their everyday job functions, but timid leadership and a lack of resources are inhibiting widespread adoption, a new report declares.

Create better enrollment outcomes by breaking down department barriers

When different departments can unite their visions, break down silos and form an overall strategy, it forms a positive work culture.

Surprising K12 enrollment declines are trickling up into higher ed

College leaders must prepare for long-term challenges after an unexpected 2% downturn in K12 enrollment foreshadows fewer students making it to their institutions.

Is betting big on graduate school enrollment growth a major risk for higher ed?

It's been a bright spot for many universities in recent years, but leaders may not be able to hang all their financial hopes on continued growth. 

3 ways community college presidents can navigate an uncertain future

While history suggests community college enrollments increase in times of crisis, the reality in the age of COVID-19 is very different.

Your New Year’s guide to closing fall enrollment

Enrollment managers can maximize marketing and admissions success by planning targeted campaigns throughout the year.

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