
Demand for grad school isn’t going anywhere. How can you reel students into your programs?

More than 60% of undergraduates who began college between four and six years ago are either enrolled in a graduate program now or are seriously considering taking the next step, according to a recent report from Spark451, a Jenzabar Company.

Here’s why some Gen Z grads face a tight employment window

Nearly a third of employers hiring entry-level positions admitted avoiding selecting Gen Zers, according to a survey from ResumeBuilder.com. The culprit? Entitlement.

Nearly 40% of college supervisors say they’re looking for work

Higher education leaders cite inadequate pay, burdensome workloads and lack of training and support among their list of concerns.

Agree or disagree? Check out the latest list of the 100 best college towns

"Wallet friendliness," social environment, and academic and economic opportunities determine WalletHub's 100 best college towns in America.

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