The University of Texas at Austin and Emerson College have recently announced staff layoffs due to declining enrollment numbers and internal crises linked to the recent wave of protests. Some staff believe institutions are using the demonstrations as a scapegoat to downsize.
Over half of recent graduates and current students who searched for jobs within the past six months said employers always, often or sometimes inquired about their protest history.
It may not surprise higher ed leaders that students overwhelmingly back pro-Palestinian campus protests. What may be startling is a poll that shows how some college students feel about hate speech and violence.
From disinvited speakers to canceled commencement ceremonies, here are some of the latest clashes from the past weekend, as well as a forecast of turbulence to come.
Several institutions have found ways to sooth student frustrations without calling in law enforcement, a strategy which risks emboldening protestors and casting a dark shadow on a university's image.
As presidents ratchet up their measures to snuff campus protests, utilizing law enforcement and threats of suspension and arrest, faculty are increasingly becoming more disdainful toward their institutional leadership.
Calls for divestment in Israel are fueling protests nationwide, but institutions' commitment to financial security is creating an uncomfortable ethical quandary.