California Community Colleges will have direct access to technology to address operational needs and meet regulatory standards through the first Ellucian Collaboration Hub. A virtual center will provide training and tech support; construction of a physical space will follow.
Berea College (Ky.) has selected eThink to manage its Moodle learning management system, including storage and support, with the aims of increased productivity and cost cutting. The college had originally contracted an outside company to solve Moodle’s technical issues, but still experienced downtime and couldn’t scale the site on the campus server.
Northern Virginia Community College students who enroll in a program to complete their four-year degree at George Mason University (Va.) will receive personalized support from InsideTrack for three years. The company will also provide professional development for faculty at both schools and develop a quality assurance program for continuous success after the partnership ends.
Rice University (Texas) and Columbia Engineering (N.Y.) each launched a Trilogy Education fintech boot camp to meet the needs of financial service companies. Participants learn from industry professionals and receive career-planning services, including training and recruiting assistance. These boot camps expand on existing Trilogy offerings at each school.
The National Governors Association has chosen Ohio, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Wyoming to receive state-specific data from Strada Education Network and Gallup to strengthen college-to-career pathways. The states will receive $2.3 million in grants over 18 months.