The HEA Group and Student Defense found that graduate schools leave students with over $100 million more in debt than what they entered repayment with.
U.S. News & World Report has unveiled its latest rankings of the country's best states for higher education, analyzing the share of each state's college degree holders, graduation rates and more.
Only 51% of students who began a four-year degree in 2012 completed a degree within eight years at that institution, according to NCES. Bellwether believes a nonlinear higher education system can regain students' trust and recapture their valuation of a postsecondary degree.
Young adults aren't as readily pulled toward a degree in higher education as they once were, and colleges need to stay on pace with them if they aren't looking to be left behind.
Declining enrollment is one reason it's more important than ever for institutions to provide the ROI for why today's students should pursue a college degree.