shared governance

Is higher education leadership changing? Here are 3 warning signs

As technological transformations and new student demands challenge higher education's legacy operations, these leaders are pushing for transformative—and perhaps controversial—change. 

After a ‘no confidence’ vote, JSU sits its seventh president since 2010

Dr. Elayne Hayes-Anthony's commitment to "integrity; also, transparency and accountability" will attempt to right the wrongs of their most recent president—and maybe even those that came before him.

Defend your college’s academic freedom: Here’s a toolkit to help you do it

PEN America and the American Council on Education (ACE) teamed up to provide campus leaders with viable strategies to fend off legislative attacks and leverage media relations and campus stakeholders in their defense.

AAUP on Florida College System: “We are appalled” by continued political interference

AAUP replied to Florida College System's decision to restrict race-related class curriculum with a statement that blasts FCS for being "hypocritical" and appalling.

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