federal aid

Why the short-term Pell offers limited yet promising results

Despite stronger enrollment and completion rates, students offered the experimental aid package underperformed in these three areas.

Are latest layoffs at this university a first look at the FAFSA fiasco’s consequences?

Universities are receiving fewer FAFSA submitters and looking at smaller enrollment numbers than last year due to this year's federal aid delays. Small- to mid-sized private colleges recuperating from the pandemic have another steep hill to climb.

A frustrating year results in drastic declines in FAFSA submissions

Nearly 57% fewer high school seniors have submitted a new FAFSA form compared to last year's numbers. Could delays and technological errors be to blame?

Fuel to the fire: FAFSA complications cause further delays

Another series of hiccups this financial aid cycle has deferred institutions from assisting needy families four to five months than in years past.

FAFSA delayed until Dec. 31: How does this complicate your admissions team?

With the flurry of higher ed staff processing and packaging aid offers, reviewing financial aid appeals and counseling students on the changes, NASFAA is asking the Department of Education to work closely with financial aid offices to protect underresourced students from the lightning-quick turnaround. 

Did emergency funding create a crutch for the Connecticut college system?

"We're about to fall off that cliff," said Higher Education Co-Chairman Gregg Haddad referring to the reliance the state system placed on one-time federal aid investments, such as the American Rescue Plan.

Enrollment boomed post-pandemic at these schools. Here are 4 ways they will keep up.

Last year brought in the largest freshman class Bethune-Cooman had seen in more than 10 years and a 34% net tuition increase. With federal aid drying up in June, however, they intend to capitalize on an unexpected spark.

Education espionage: FSA “secret shoppers” to monitor higher ed for unethical practices

“Schools that engage in fraud or misconduct are on notice that we may be listening, and they should clean up accordingly,” said Kristen Donoghue, FSA’s chief enforcement officer in the Department's announcement.

For-profit colleges, be warned: DOE is set to hold leaders personally liable for reckless spending

To curb the deepening student loan crisis, the Department of Education aims to impede the abuse of federal funding at for-profit colleges by forcing school leaders to assume personal liability for unpaid institutional debt.

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