
Why your school must buck its current financial planning process

Many institutions continue to rely on outdated financial planning tools. Nearly 50% still use spreadsheets for forecasting and tuition projections, and nearly a third use spreadsheets for budgeting, according to a Syntellis survey.

Instructors want to encourage AI use among students. First, they need guidance from leaders

Many teachers are using the technology to prepare students for a future inevitably accompanied by AI. But few educators have received guidance from administrators on how to do so.

How one flaw exposed the data of countless students and educators

At least 33 data breaches have been disclosed so far, affecting more than 17.5 million people 200 organizations, many of them colleges, universities and related organizations.

Community college and career opportunities becoming a higher priority for high schoolers

Most teens firmly believe in the importance of a four-year college degree, but they're becoming increasingly open-minded toward other postsecondary opportunities, a new survey suggests.

Nearly 2,000 colleges aren’t requiring SAT or ACT scores for fall 2023

At least 78% of higher education institutions have already extended these policies through fall 2024 in anticipation of the pending U.S. Supreme Court decision on affirmative action.

5 reasons fewer students may be going to college this year

More than 10% of 2023's high school graduating class contemplated whether to go to college this year, according to a new report. To no surprise, COVID is largely to blame.

Ohio is the latest state to try making college costs, ROI clearer—is it worth it?

Similar state and federal initiatives have either stalled or, if passed, have not gained traction among parents and students.

Men are falling behind in higher ed and the trend may not be letting up

Reports by National Student Clearinghouse Research Center and YouthTruth suggest that male enrollment has declined faster than women for the past five years and only 57% of young men graduating high school in 2023 expect to go to college.

Students of early-bird classes sleep less, skip more and perform worse, data shows

Researchers studied data from nearly 40,000 students across five semesters and found that poor sleep is causing a wide range of issues with class attendance and performance.

TikTok Bans: What does it really mean for your institution?

Academic leaders should embrace focused investment in digital education, but the potential threats TikTok poses to their digital infrastructure are prompting schools to implement drastic policy measures.

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