Common App

Common App growth fueled by underrepresented minorities, lower-income students

The races/ethnicities fueling this growth were Latinx applicants (13%) and Black or African Americans (12%).

A quarter of students start the Common App but don’t follow through. Why?

Thanks to newly discovered data from researchers at the Annenberg Institute at Brown University, leaders can now pinpoint which student populations are more likely to fall out of applying—so the report suggests developing predictive analytics tools and targeted interventions.

How admissions offices worked around court rulings and tech trends to uphold core values

The Common App marks the latest front for colleges and universities to maintain their dedication to diversity and integrity amid emerging roadblocks.

Over half of all transfer applicants hail from the country’s wealthiest zip codes

"Our findings suggest that the transfer application process reflects the inequitable state of higher education," wrote the authors of the Common App transfer report.

Socioeconomic disparities are top concern for college enrollment, per report

As academic preparation seems to be the key factor to closing the college enrollment gap between students of different races, students that come from lower socioeconomic backgrounds still seem to need help.

Good news for higher ed: Applications are on the rise for fall 2023

College applications are up for fall 2023, the Common App's latest numbers show, including underrepresented and first-generation students.  

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