Many teachers are using the technology to prepare students for a future inevitably accompanied by AI. But few educators have received guidance from administrators on how to do so.
North Texas has 1,200+ trained employees, from administrative assistants up to the president, using their AI-assisted analytics software suit to take huge swaths of data and create visual data models in order to form clear, intentional decision-making.
With a $10.8 billion proposed increase to the Department of Education and $2.7 billion allotted for FSA alone, the top Republican on the Budget Committee called the proposal “unserious” and a “road map for fiscal ruin.”
FIRE's recent report of almost 1,500 discovers faculty are more likely to self-censor their academic publications more than social scientists feared writing something controversial in the 1950s.
Students, families and alumni say their satisfaction in higher education has risen. However, institutions should prioritize listening and acting on feedback.
Historically, the cost of utilities has been the dominant area of spending. Although that continued in FY2022, spending rose in every area tracked by the Commonfund Higher Education Price Index.