job market

Grads this year may unlock a generous job market. Are they actually ready?

The Class of 2025 is expected to enjoy a stronger job market when they graduate in the spring, and potentially, more lucrative compensation.

3 ways to demonstrate the value of your institution to prospective students

With a thoughtful and learner-centric approach to education, institutions can continue to support students and faculty no matter who or where they are.

Good news! Current students believe their degree is worth the cost

The driving factor leading to public and private nonprofit institutions students' high regard for their degree is their trust that it adequately prepares them for life after college.

How are these schools boasting such strong placement rates for students?

While NACE's "First Destinations" 2021 showed recuperating rates for graduating bachelor's students, several schools have bucked the national trend, averaging student placement rates well over 10% than average.

Cybersecurity programs are set to launch across higher ed this fall

The country's leaders made it clear at a panel this past Tuesday that there are federal dollars available to meet cybersecurity's booming workforce demands. Colleges are responding by either creating new programs for this upcoming academic year or strengthening their existing ones.

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