See how Baylor, Bucknell and Elon universities have fortified civil dialogue initiatives on campus ahead of a hotly debated U.S. presidential election.
In moments of division, leaders are encouraged to embrace the roles of “educators and bridge-builders” to create environments where empathy and understanding take priority over conflict, per report.
Whether spearheading growth opportunities or helping sow campus harmony, Link, the "bi-cultural" scholar, carries this centuries-old, nine-word phrase with her as the leader of Drew University.
Liberal arts college leaders attending The Presidents Dinner in D.C. are tangled in a Catch-22 balancing First Amendment protections. But dialogue and learning to listen are seen as solutions.
As sparks begin to fly on the campaign trail, they're bound to drive a new round of heated exchanges on our campuses. The lessons Gen Z learns from it will have lasting effects on our society.