
Policy roundup 2023: How state and federal legislators tackled higher ed

Some policy pushes have enjoyed bipartisan support, such as addressing hazing on college campuses. Others, however, have been more aligned across political lines, like dismantling DEI. 

House and Senate education budgets differ wildly, reflecting party lines

The House targeted organizations it found to "undermine the unity of our country," proposing to reduce the Office for Civil Rights budget by 25%.

4 ways states and schools choose to dismantle DEI offices

With Wisconsin lawmakers and Arkansas university leadership recently choosing to curb DEI programs, stakeholders have found different strategizes to accomplish the same goal.

Ohio is the latest state to try making college costs, ROI clearer—is it worth it?

Similar state and federal initiatives have either stalled or, if passed, have not gained traction among parents and students.

DeSantis bans DEI in Florida, calling it “discrimination, exclusion and indoctrination”

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill Monday prohibiting Florida's public institutions from spending money on initiatives related to diversity, equity and inclusion, which he believes "promote(s) dangerous political and social activism."

Tenure takedown: What schools—and states—have recently turned against it?

With one state's Senate passing an end to tenure and one university coming under fire for blaming COVID on laying off at least 30 professors, here is the latest picture of the tenure chopping block.

Florida, beware: DeSantis’ war on woke may decrease enrollment

One in eight prospective students surveyed will not enroll in a Florida public college due to DeSantis' education policies, according to Intelligent, while 21% of current students who disagree with DeSantis are thinking about transferring.

DeSantis’ flagship bill against faculty not dead despite new block

Enforcing the "Stop WOKE Act" might be deferred, but bills targeting higher ed have begun to rear their ugly heads in Florida and beyond.

The Ohio education bill that stands against diversity training—and China

The Ohio Higher Education Enhancement Act would have broad implications across the state's 14 public universities, 23 colleges, and some private schools, mirroring similar proposals drafted by other states, along with some unique ones.

West Virginia is the latest state to allow concealed guns on campus

West Virginia University and Marshall University presidents E. Gordon Gee and Brad D. Smith signed a joint letter publicly opposing the bill, suggesting campus carry should be decided by the schools' Board of Governors—not the state. 

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