How to restore trust in American higher education

Governing boards must regain their control of America’s colleges and universities

American higher education is in trouble. College enrollments last year were lower than they were 12 years earlier in 2011, the first sustained drop in American history—and low birth rates suggest the pool of future college students may fall rather than increase.

Polls show declining public support for universities — support necessary for their sustenance, since few universities are wholly dependent on their customers (students and research grantors) for financial sustainability. Given high tuition fees, many potential students today ask: Is college worth it?

Additionally, the news earlier this year was dominated by accounts of protest at elite universities interfering with academic activities, sometimes involving shocking derogatory smears of individuals based on religious preferences or nationality. University presidents at recent congressional hearings publicly favored policies highly objectionable to most Americans.

Read more at Deseret News.


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