From Shakespeare to Spielberg: This generation of students requires an engaging presentation style in the flipped classroom

Students today primarily get their entertainment from the Internet, says veteran UBTech speaker Brian Klaas, senior web systems designer at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. This type of information delivery  shapes their expectations around how content should be presented in the classroom–expectations that can clash with traditional teaching methods .

In this featured session, “From Shakespeare to Spielberg: Designing for the YouTube Generation When Flipping the Classroom,” Klaas will discuss cognitive science and how to merge students’ desire to be entertained with educators’ need to make facts understood.

“Students need a story and guidance and help going from one place to another,” says Klaas. “Stories make us all remember things.”

And best practices for telling memorable stories directly correspond with cognitive research on how students best learn and retain information in the classroom. Attend UBTech 2015 to hear Klaas present specifics on this research and how to tell engaging, informative stories in the flipped classroom.


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